2024, 03. Nov - 06. Nov
18th German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC), Bad Soden
18th German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC), Bad Soden
04.11.2024, 11:12 | talk: Galileo and the Quest for 3D Searching the Chemical Space |
04.11.2024, 11:24 | talk: Next Generation Topological Similarity Searching in Combinatorial Fragment Spaces |
2024, 22. Sep - 26. Sep
24th EuroQSAR, Barcelona/Spain
24th EuroQSAR, Barcelona/Spain
24.09.2024, 17:50 | poster: StrAcTable - The Structure Activity Table |
24.09.2024, 17:50 | poster: Explainability in AI-Driven Early-Phase Drug Discovery with Network Balance Scaling |
2024, 24. Jun - 28. Jun
Strasbourg Summer School in Cheminformatics, Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg Summer School in Cheminformatics, Strasbourg, France
weitere Teilnehmer: Tobias Harren, Matthias Rarey
2024, 28. May - 30. May
Norwegian Bioinformatics Day 2024, Bergen/Norway
Norwegian Bioinformatics Day 2024, Bergen/Norway
29.05.2024, 09:00 | talk: Navigating Protein Interactions – From Binding Sites to Protein-Ligand and Protein-Protein Interfaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2024, 04. Mar - 06. Mar
36th Molecular Modeling Workshop 2024, Erlangen
36th Molecular Modeling Workshop 2024, Erlangen
weitere Teilnehmer: Christiane Ehrt
2023, 27. Dec - 30. Dec
37th Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Germany
37th Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Germany
2023, 09. Oct - 10. Oct
Digital Total, Hamburg, Germany
Digital Total, Hamburg, Germany
09.10.2023, 09:45 | poster: Exploring Ultra-Large Chemical Spaces With Genetic Algorithms |
weitere Teilnehmer: Christian Meyenburg, Matthias Rarey
2023, 20. Sep - 22. Sep
12th RDKit UGM 2023, Mainz
12th RDKit UGM 2023, Mainz
20.09.2023, 12:00 | talk: SmartChemist - Communication about chemical structures made easy |
weitere Teilnehmer: Torben Gutermuth, Christian Meyenburg
2023, 10. Sep - 15. Sep
EUROPIN Summer School on Drug Design, Wien/Österreich
EUROPIN Summer School on Drug Design, Wien/Österreich
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2023, 21. Aug - 25. Aug
CIC Summer School on Cheminformatics, Halle
CIC Summer School on Cheminformatics, Halle
2023, 16. Jul - 21. Jul
Gordon Research Conference CADD, West Dover, VT, United States
Gordon Research Conference CADD, West Dover, VT, United States
17.07.2023, 14:00 | poster: An automated docking benchmark using homogeneous experimental conditions and unique structurally resolved pockets |
17.07.2023, 14:00 | poster: LifeSoaks: A Tool for Analysing Solvent Channels in Protein Crystals |
2023, 19. Jun - 21. Jun
Ninth Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield/UK
Ninth Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield/UK
2023, 03. Apr - 05. Apr
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry , Wien/Austria
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry , Wien/Austria
03.04.2023, 17:15 | poster: On-The-Fly Small Molecule Docking with JAMDA on ProteinsPlus |
weitere Teilnehmer: Christiane Ehrt
2022, 26. Sep - 30. Sep
23rd EuroQSAR, Heidelberg, Germany
23rd EuroQSAR, Heidelberg, Germany
27.09.2022, 11:10 | talk: Cheminformatics for Next Generation Make-on-Demand Compound Catalogs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2022, 30. Aug - 31. Aug
1st Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry 2022, Gothenburg/Sweden
1st Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry 2022, Gothenburg/Sweden
weitere Teilnehmer: Konrad Diedrich, Christiane Ehrt
2022, 29. Jun - 01. Jul
IBMI Kick-Off Symposium, Tübingen, Germany
IBMI Kick-Off Symposium, Tübingen, Germany
01.07.2022, 09:40 | talk: Good algorithms might help: Practical examples from early drug discovery |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2022, 27. Jun - 01. Jul
Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics - 2022, Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics - 2022, Strasbourg, France
28.06.2022, 14:00 | talk: Chemoinformatics operating in Chemical Space |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2022, 12. Jun - 16. Jun
12th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
12th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
13.06.2022, 09:00 | talk: GeoMine: On-The-Fly Geometric Pattern Mining in Binding Sites |
13.06.2022, 11:00 | talk: Improving Torsion Library Patterns with SMARTScompare |
13.06.2022, 11:00 | poster: Structural Investigations of Protein Kinases with GeoMine |
2022, 12. May
HIPS Symposium 2022, virtual meeting
HIPS Symposium 2022, virtual meeting
12.05.2022, 12:30 | talk: Computational Exploration of Chemical Space |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2022, 08. May - 11. May
17th German Conference on Cheminformatics and EuroSAMPL Satellite Workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
17th German Conference on Cheminformatics and EuroSAMPL Satellite Workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
09.05.2022, 17:30 | poster: Towards the fully automated cross-linking of PDB and ChEMBL |
09.05.2022, 11:24 | talk: LifeSoaks: Predicting solvent channels in protein crystals for soaking experiments |
09.05.2022, 13:45 | talk: Synthesis-Aware Generation of Structural Analogs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Uschi Dolfus, Emanuel Ehmki, Sophia Hönig, Jonathan Pletzer-Zelgert, Matthias Rarey
2022, 05. May - 06. May
Leibniz Wirkstofftage 2022, Hamburg, Germany
Leibniz Wirkstofftage 2022, Hamburg, Germany
06.05.2022, 09:30 | talk: Decoupling Organic Synthesis from Early-Stage Drug Discovery: Cheminformatics for Ultralarge Make-on-Demand Compound Catalogs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2022, 26. Apr - 28. Apr
CDCS Symposium 2022, Hamburg, Germany
CDCS Symposium 2022, Hamburg, Germany
26.04.2022, 18:00 | poster: Phase Retrieval from Crystals with Rotational Displacement |
26.04.2022, 18:00 | poster: On-The-Fly Structure-Based Design on the Web |
26.04.2022, 14:30 | talk: Combinatorial algorithms operating in chemical space |
26.04.2022, 18:00 | poster: MicroMiner: Mining Mutations & more from PDB/AlphaFoldDB using Residue 3D Micro-Environments |
26.04.2022, 18:00 | poster: Metadata-based analysis of image quality for single particle cryoEM |
2022, 20. Mar - 24. Mar
ACS Spring 2022, virtual Meeting
ACS Spring 2022, virtual Meeting
20.03.2022, 17:20 | talk: Computational approaches for the analysis of ultra-large make-on-demand compound catalogs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Louis Bellmann
2021, 20. Sep - 23. Sep
ECCE/ECAB 2021, virtual event
ECCE/ECAB 2021, virtual event
23.09.2021, 11:25 | talk: Computational Analysis of Protein Structures from Deep-Sea Organisms |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jochen Sieg
2021, 22. Aug - 26. Aug
ACS Meeting, Atlanta/USA and virtual
ACS Meeting, Atlanta/USA and virtual
25.08.2021, 10:50 | talk: SpaceMACS: The Quest for Searching Maximum Common Substructures in Chemical Space |
weitere Teilnehmer: Robert Schmidt
2021, 25. Jul - 30. Jul
26.07.2021, 13:40 | talk: Data-Driven Analysis of Single Point Mutations through Rapid Scan of 3D Micro-Environments |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jochen Sieg
2021, 21. Jan
SpaceLight: Fingerprint Searches to Explore Ultra-Large Spaces
SpaceLight: Fingerprint Searches to Explore Ultra-Large Spaces
weitere Teilnehmer: Louis Bellmann
2020, 15. Dec
BioSolveIT Webinar
BioSolveIT Webinar
15.12.2020, 16:00 | talk: Superfast Next Generation Fragment Growing in Pockets |
weitere Teilnehmer: Patrick Penner
2020, 01. Dec - 03. Dec
NIH Virtual Workshop on Ultra-Large Chemistry Databases, Dec 1-3, 2020
NIH Virtual Workshop on Ultra-Large Chemistry Databases, Dec 1-3, 2020
02.12.2020, 12:30 | talk: Combinatorial Approaches for SearchingSynthetically Accessible Chemical Space |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2020, 19. Nov
CSSB Seminar Series - Matthias Rarey
CSSB Seminar Series - Matthias Rarey
19.11.2020, 11:30 | talk: Next Generation Computational Tools For Structure- and Ligand-Based Molecular Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2020, 02. Nov - 04. Nov
German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC) 2020
German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC) 2020
02.11.2020, 15:00 | talk: FGVD: Public Structure Data for Fragment Growing Validation |
02.11.2020, 15:00 | talk: SpaceLight: Topological Similarity Searching in Large Combinatorial Fragment Spaces |
2020, 14. Sep - 17. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2020
German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2020
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey, Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2020, 13. Jul - 16. Jul
28th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
28th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
14.07.2020, 15:00 | talk: GeoMine: A Web-Based Tool for Chemical Three-Dimensional Searching of the PDB |
14.07.2020, 17:00 | poster: GeoMine: A Web-Based Tool for Chemical Three-Dimensional Searching of the PDB |
weitere Teilnehmer: Joel Graef, Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2020, 18. Jun
BioSolveIT Webinar
BioSolveIT Webinar
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2020, 08. Jun - 10. Jun
ELIXIR All Hands meeting
ELIXIR All Hands meeting
08.06.2020, 14:00 | talk: Modern Algorithms for Structure Based Design Studies on the Web |
weitere Teilnehmer: Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2019, 03. Nov - 05. Nov
German Conference on Cheminformatics 2019, Mainz, Germany
German Conference on Cheminformatics 2019, Mainz, Germany
04.11.2019, 11:12 | talk: JAMDA – Molecular Docking Revisited |
04.11.2019, 16:00 | poster: Pharmacophore-based Searching in Chemical Fragment Spaces using a Genetic Algorithm |
04.11.2019, 16:00 | poster: Pharmacophore-based Searching in Chemical Fragment Spaces using a Genetic Algorithm |
weitere Teilnehmer: Konrad Diedrich, Uschi Dolfus, Emanuel Ehmki, Florian Flachsenberg, Joel Graef, Christian Meyenburg, Matthias Rarey, Robert Schmidt
2019, 22. Jul - 26. Jul
3rd International Summer School on Deep Learning, Warsaw/Poland
3rd International Summer School on Deep Learning, Warsaw/Poland
weitere Teilnehmer: Jochen Sieg
2019, 14. Jul - 19. Jul
Gordon Research Conference 2019, West Dover/VT, USA
Gordon Research Conference 2019, West Dover/VT, USA
15.07.2019, 16:00 | poster: Predicting Sites of Metabolism for both Phase I and Phase II Metabolism Using Machine Learning Models |
15.07.2019, 16:00 | poster: Next Generation Methods for Structure-Based Fragment Growing |
15.07.2019, 16:00 | poster: Interactive Machine Learning Assisted Visual Analysis of HTS Data |
weitere Teilnehmer: Rainer Faehrrolfes, Christina Kops, Eva Nittinger, Patrick Penner, Matthias Rarey
2019, 13. Jul - 14. Jul
Gordon Research Seminar 2019, Mount Snow, West Dover/VT, USA
Gordon Research Seminar 2019, Mount Snow, West Dover/VT, USA
14.07.2019, 10:00 | talk: Predicting Sites of Metabolism for both Phase I and Phase II Metabolism Using Machine Learning Models |
14.07.2019, 10:40 | talk: Next Generation Methods for Structure-Based Fragment Growing |
14.07.2019, 11:00 | poster: Next Generation Methods for Structure-Based Fragment Growing |
13.07.2019, 16:30 | poster: Interactive Machine Learning Assisted Visual Analysis of HTS Data |
weitere Teilnehmer: Rainer Faehrrolfes, Christina Kops, Eva Nittinger, Patrick Penner, Matthias Rarey
2019, 08. Jul - 09. Jul
Machine Learning and AI in (Bio)chemical engineering, Cambridge/UK
Machine Learning and AI in (Bio)chemical engineering, Cambridge/UK
09.07.2019, 09:00 | talk: Challenges in Protein-Structure-Driven Machine Learning and Applications in Biotechnology |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jochen Sieg
2019, 17. Jun - 19. Jun
8th Sheffield Conference on Cheminformatics, Sheffield/GB
8th Sheffield Conference on Cheminformatics, Sheffield/GB
18.06.2019, 09:00 | talk: Connected subgraph fingerprint: from theory to applications |
17.06.2019, 18:30 | poster: Exploring Fragment Spaces with Genetic Algorithms |
17.06.2019, 18:30 | poster: REMUS - Alignment-Driven Virtual Screening with Adaptive Scoring |
2019, 11. Jun - 12. Jun
20th Annual Drug Discovery Summit , Berlin
20th Annual Drug Discovery Summit , Berlin
11.06.2019, 18:20 | talk: Data-Driven Structure-Based Drug Discovery |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2019, 31. Mar - 04. Apr
ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando/Florida, USA
ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando/Florida, USA
01.04.2019, 14:45 | talk: ProteinsPlus and SMARTSviewer: Two web applications for the modeling and cheminformatics community |
03.04.2019, 09:05 | talk: Machine learning in the context of bioactivity |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2019, 18. Mar - 22. Mar
KNIME Spring Summit 2019, Berlin
KNIME Spring Summit 2019, Berlin
21.03.2019, 11:30 | talk: ProteinsPlus via KNIME: Supporting Structure-Based Design Studies |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2018, 11. Nov - 13. Nov
German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2018, Mainz/Germany
German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2018, Mainz/Germany
12.11.2018, 13:00 | talk: Interactive Visual Analysis of HTS Screening Data – A Machine-Learning Assisted Approach |
12.11.2018, 14:00 | poster: Reconstruction of Molecules from Fingerprints |
13.11.2018, 09:40 | talk: SMARTS Analytics |
12.11.2018, 14:00 | poster: Automatic generation of high quality 3D Matched Molecular Pairs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Wolf-Guido Bolick, Emanuel Ehmki, Rainer Faehrrolfes, Matthias Rarey, Robert Schmidt, Jochen Sieg
2018, 02. Oct - 05. Oct
DPhG-Jahrestagung 2018, Hamburg
DPhG-Jahrestagung 2018, Hamburg
weitere Teilnehmer: Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey
2018, 25. Sep - 28. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2018, Vienna/Austria
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2018, Vienna/Austria
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2018, 16. Sep - 20. Sep
EuroQSAR 2018, Thessaloniki/Greece
EuroQSAR 2018, Thessaloniki/Greece
17.09.2018, 12:50 | poster: Using Active Machine Learning for the Visual Analysis of Screening Data |
18.09.2018, 10:55 | talk: JAMDA - JUST A MOLECULAR DOCKING ALGORITHM |
17.09.2018, 13:50 | talk: Automatic SMARTS Hierarchy Analysis for the Updated Torsion Library and Its Use in Scoring Torsion Bonds |
weitere Teilnehmer: Ya Chen, Rainer Faehrrolfes, Ningning Fan, Florian Flachsenberg, Johannes Kirchmair, Christina Kops, Agnes Meyder
2018, 03. Sep - 07. Sep
de.NBI Summer School 2018 Riding the Data Life Cycle!, Braunschweig
de.NBI Summer School 2018 Riding the Data Life Cycle!, Braunschweig
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2018, 27. Aug - 31. Aug
CIC Summer School on Cheminformatics, Halle-Wittenberg
CIC Summer School on Cheminformatics, Halle-Wittenberg
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger, Matthias Rarey
2018, 19. Aug - 23. Aug
ACS Fall Meeting 2018, Boston/MA, USA
ACS Fall Meeting 2018, Boston/MA, USA
22.08.2018, 11:15 | talk: Automatic generation of high quality 3D Matched Molecular Pairs |
21.08.2018, 18:00 | poster: Comparison ofMolecular Patterns on the Example of SMARTS |
weitere Teilnehmer: Emanuel Ehmki, Johannes Kirchmair
2018, 25. Jun - 29. Jun
Strasbourg Summer School on Cheminformatics 2018, Strasbourg
Strasbourg Summer School on Cheminformatics 2018, Strasbourg
2018, 27. May - 31. May
11th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands
11th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands
weitere Teilnehmer: Ya Chen, Johannes Kirchmair, Christina Kops, Matthias Rarey, Robert Schmidt, Jochen Sieg, Kai Sommer, Conrad Stork
2018, 18. Mar - 22. Mar
ACS Spring Meeting 2018, New Orleans,LA (USA)
ACS Spring Meeting 2018, New Orleans,LA (USA)
20.03.2018, 14:30 | talk: All Problems Solved? On the Quest for Algorithms in Cheminformatics |
21.03.2018, 10:30 | talk: Web-based Computing at the Interface of Crystallography and Structure-Based Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2018, 19. Feb - 20. Feb
1st Workshop on Biomedical Information Management, Hamburg
1st Workshop on Biomedical Information Management, Hamburg
19.02.2018, 16:30 | talk: Managing Large Protein Structure Collections |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2018, 12. Jan
11th North German Biophysics Meeting, Borstel
11th North German Biophysics Meeting, Borstel
12.01.2018, 11:00 | talk: Some Computational Aspects of Structure-Driven Life Science Research |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 14. Dec
BioSolveIT Webinars
BioSolveIT Webinars
14.12.2017, 16:00 | talk: Getting the Most out of Protein Structures: Structure-based Molecular Design in the Big Data Era |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 06. Dec
CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar, DESY
CFEL-DESY Theory Seminar, DESY
06.12.2017, 14:00 | talk: Computational Methods to Deal with Large Protein Structure Collections |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 16. Nov - 17. Nov
GTCbio's 12th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry conference, Berlin
GTCbio's 12th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry conference, Berlin
16.11.2017, 17:00 | talk: Getting the Most out of Protein Structures: Structure-based Molecular Design in the Big Data Era |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 05. Nov - 07. Nov
GCC 2017 - 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Mainz
GCC 2017 - 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Mainz
06.11.2017, 13:46 | poster: Comparison of Molecular Patterns on the Example of SMARTS |
06.11.2017, 13:46 | poster: Comparison of Molecular Patterns on the Example of SMARTS |
06.11.2017, 17:00 | poster: StructureChecker: An all-in-one tool for high quality 3D structure data set assemblage |
weitere Teilnehmer: Emanuel Ehmki, Florian Flachsenberg, Agnes Meyder, Matthias Rarey, Robert Schmidt
2017, 20. Sep - 22. Sep
RDKit UGM, Berlin
RDKit UGM, Berlin
21.09.2017, 15:00 | poster: NAOMI ChemBio Suite & Proteins Plus Webserver - An academic software collection for cheminformatics and structure based design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Emanuel Ehmki
2017, 18. Sep - 21. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2017, Tübingen
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2017, Tübingen
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 17. Sep - 22. Sep
Vienna Summer School on Drug Design 2017, Vienna, Austria
Vienna Summer School on Drug Design 2017, Vienna, Austria
20.09.2017, 11:00 | talk: Computational Prediction of Drug Metabolism |
weitere Teilnehmer: Ya Chen, Nils-Ole Friedrich, Johannes Kirchmair, Christina Kops, Matthias Rarey, Robert Schmidt, Conrad Stork
2017, 16. Jul - 21. Jul
Gordon Research Conference 2017, Mount Snow West Dover, VT (USA)
Gordon Research Conference 2017, Mount Snow West Dover, VT (USA)
17.07.2017, 16:00 | poster: Extending Rescoring Validation with the Electron Density Score of Individual Atoms (EDIA) |
2017, 15. Jul - 16. Jul
Gordon Research Seminar 2017, Mount Snow, West Dover, VT
Gordon Research Seminar 2017, Mount Snow, West Dover, VT
15.07.2017, 20:30 | talk: Fragment Growing Linked with User Constraints Through Intuitive Usage |
15.07.2017, 16:30 | poster: Extending Rescoring Validation with the Electron Density Score of Individual Atoms (EDIA) |
15.07.2017, 16:30 | poster: Extending Rescoring Validation with the Electron Density Score of Individual Atoms (EDIA) |
15.07.2017, 16:30 | poster: Extending Rescoring Validation with the Electron Density Score of Individual Atoms (EDIA) |
2017, 19. Jun
Seminar MPC, Medizinisches Proteom-Center, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Seminar MPC, Medizinisches Proteom-Center, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
19.06.2017, 17:15 | talk: Dealing with Protein Structures: From Quality Assessment to Geometric Searching |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2017, 02. Apr - 06. Apr
03.04.2017, 11:25 | talk: Semi-Interactive creation of 2D protein-ligand pose diagrams with PoseView-2 |
05.04.2017, 11:20 | talk: Dealing with x-ray data in structure-based design: Estimating and visualizing electron density support |
03.04.2017, 16:15 | talk: Geometric searching in large collections of protein-ligand interfaces |
02.04.2017, 18:30 | poster: Water, water, everywhere...: Modeling water molecules in protein-ligand complexes |
02.04.2017, 10:25 | talk: Conserved H2OP in protein-ligand complexes: An evaluaton of water prediction tools |
02.04.2017, 15:35 | talk: Hydrogen bond interaction geometries in protein-ligand complexes: From large-scale statistics to single cases |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger, Matthias Rarey
2017, 12. Feb - 15. Feb
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, Bern, Switzerland
Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry, Bern, Switzerland
14.02.2017, 15:00 | talk: Next Generation Tools for Structure-based Drug Design |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: In Silico Prediction of the ADMET Properties of Small Molecules |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2016, 21. Nov
HITS Heidelberg Kolloquium, HITS, Heidelberg
HITS Heidelberg Kolloquium, HITS, Heidelberg
21.11.2016, 11:00 | talk: Novel Tools for Browsing Large Protein Structure Collections |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2016, 06. Nov - 08. Nov
12th German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2016, Fulda, Germany
12th German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2016, Fulda, Germany
weitere Teilnehmer: Nils-Ole Friedrich, Therese Inhester, Johannes Kirchmair, Christina Kops, Agnes Meyder, Eva Nittinger, Matthias Rarey
2016, 06. Nov - 08. Nov
12th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (2016), Fulda, Germany
12th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (2016), Fulda, Germany
07.11.2016, 14:45 | talk: Hydrogen Bond Interaction Geometries in Proteins: A Large-Scale Statistical Study |
08.11.2016, 11:40 | talk: Method for the automated compilation of datasets of accurate protein-bound ligand structures |
weitere Teilnehmer: Stefan Bietz, Nils-Ole Friedrich, Therese Inhester, Johannes Kirchmair, Christina Kops, Agnes Meyder, Eva Nittinger, Matthias Rarey
2016, 26. Oct
5th RDKit User Group Meeting, Basel, Switzerland
5th RDKit User Group Meeting, Basel, Switzerland
26.10.2016, 10:30 | talk: Chemically meaningful ring perception: An open-source implementation of the Unique Ring Families approach |
weitere Teilnehmer: Florian Flachsenberg
2016, 18. Sep
Pharmazeutisches Kolloquium, FB Pharmazie, Universität Marburg, Marburg
Pharmazeutisches Kolloquium, FB Pharmazie, Universität Marburg, Marburg
22.09.2016, 18:00 | talk: Modern Tools for Drug Discovery: From Molecular Pattern Recognition to Active Site Analysis |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2016, 12. Sep - 15. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2016, Berlin, Germany
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2016, Berlin, Germany
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2016, 04. Sep - 08. Sep
21st EuroQSAR, Verona/Italien
21st EuroQSAR, Verona/Italien
weitere Teilnehmer: Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey
2016, 04. Sep - 08. Sep
EuroQSAR, Verona
EuroQSAR, Verona
05.09.2016, 13:40 | poster: On the prediction of xenobiotic metabolism |
weitere Teilnehmer: Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey
2016, 04. Jul - 06. Jul
Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 2016, Sheffield/UK
Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 2016, Sheffield/UK
05.07.2016, 11:58 | talk: EDIA: Estimating Electron Density Support for Individual Atoms in X-ray Structures |
04.07.2016, 18:30 | poster: An easy-to-use software tool for compound library conversion and isomeric enumeration |
2016, 27. Jun - 01. Jul
Strasbourg Summer School 2016, Strasbourg/Frankreich
Strasbourg Summer School 2016, Strasbourg/Frankreich
29.06.2016, 12:01 | talk: Computational Methods for Knowledge Extraction from Large Protein Structure Collections |
weitere Teilnehmer: Rainer Faehrrolfes, Matthias Rarey
2016, 26. Apr - 27. Apr
Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2016, Leipzig
Deutsche Biotechnologietage 2016, Leipzig
26.04.2016, 16:45 | talk: BIOSCORE: Computergestützte Modellierung von Protein-Ligand-Interaktionen - Anwendungen in der weißen und roten Biotechnologie |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2016, 13. Mar - 17. Mar
251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego/USA
251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego/USA
13.03.2016, 15:25 | talk: Fast Mining of Adaptable Interaction Patterns in Protein-Ligand Interface |
14.03.2016, 13:40 | talk: Interactive Cheminformatics for Occasional Use in SMEs |
13.03.2016, 18:30 | poster: Indexing Techniques and Algorithms to efficiently Mine Interaction Patterns in Large Sets of Protein-Ligand-Complexes |
13.03.2016, 13:35 | talk: Towards a fully automated creation of large protein structure ensembles |
17.03.2016, 15:45 | talk: Medicinal Chemistry: From Intuitive Rules and Examples to Chemical Patterns |
13.03.2016, 11:20 | talk: Structure- and Knowledge-Driven Interactive Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Therese Inhester, Matthias Rarey
2015, 27. Nov
Young Modelers Forum London, London, UK
Young Modelers Forum London, London, UK
27.11.2015, 11:00 | talk: Protein-Ligand Interaction Preferences: An Evaluation of Actual vs. Possible Hydrogen Bonds |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2015, 08. Nov - 10. Nov
11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Fulda, Germany
11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Fulda, Germany
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interaktively mining discriminative patterns |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interaktively mining discriminative patterns |
09.11.2015, 14:45 | talk: Identification and Preprocessing of Alternative Protein Binding Site Conformations for Modeling Protein Flexibility |
09.11.2015, 16:00 | poster: A new benchmarking dataset for conformer ensemble generators |
09.11.2015, 16:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interactively mining discriminative patterns |
09.11.2015, 16:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interactively mining discriminative patterns |
09.11.2015, 16:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interactively mining discriminative patterns |
09.11.2015, 16:00 | poster: SMARTSminer: Interactively mining discriminative patterns |
weitere Teilnehmer: Stefan Bietz, Nils-Ole Friedrich, Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey, Karen Schomburg
2015, 08. Nov - 10. Nov
11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2015, Fulda, Germany
11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics 2015, Fulda, Germany
2015, 06. Oct
UK QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group, Airspace Conference Centre, Imperial War Museum, Duxford
UK QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group, Airspace Conference Centre, Imperial War Museum, Duxford
06.10.2015, 10:30 | talk: Analysis of Protein Structures |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2015, 27. Sep - 30. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015, Dortmund, Germany
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015, Dortmund, Germany
30.09.2015, 11:40 | talk: Integrating Sequence and Structure Information for Efficient Retrieval and Alignment of Flexible Protein Binding Sites |
30.09.2015, 11:20 | talk: Development and application of computational methods for lead identification and optimization |
weitere Teilnehmer: Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey
2015, 27. Sep - 30. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2015, Dortmund, Germany
German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2015, Dortmund, Germany
30.09.2015, 11:20 | talk: Development and application of computational methods for lead identification and optimization |
weitere Teilnehmer: Johannes Kirchmair, Matthias Rarey
2015, 16. Aug - 20. Aug
250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
250th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Library Design in Pharmacophore and Shape Space |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Pipelining in Mind: Compound Library Preprocessing in an Interactive Workflow |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2015, 19. Jul - 24. Jul
Gordon Research Conference 2015, Mount Snow Resort, USA
Gordon Research Conference 2015, Mount Snow Resort, USA
20.07.2015, 11:10 | talk: Openness and Its Relation to Scientific Innovation: From Open Source to Open Methods - From Open Data to Open Validation |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Protein and Ligand Interaction Preferences: A Large Scale Study |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Automated Collection and Preprocessing of Protein Structure Ensembles |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: An index-based virtual screening technology and its application for ligand- based screening and compound library design |
2015, 18. Jul - 19. Jul
Gordon Research Seminar 2015, Mount Snow, USA
Gordon Research Seminar 2015, Mount Snow, USA
18.07.2015, 16:05 | talk: Protein and Ligand Interaction Preferences: A Large Scale Study |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2015, 08. Jun - 09. Jun
16th Drug Discovery Summit 2015, Berlin, Germany
16th Drug Discovery Summit 2015, Berlin, Germany
09.06.2015, 16:00 | talk: Molecular Design: Examples for an Interactive Approach |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2015, 17. May - 22. May
10th European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italy
10th European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italy
weitere Teilnehmer: Florian Flachsenberg
2015, 05. May - 06. May
9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Berlin, Germany
9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Berlin, Germany
06.05.2015, 11:35 | talk: Interactive Design Tools: From Library Composition to Lead Optimization |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2015, 28. Apr
BIOKATALYSE2021, Hamburg, Germany
BIOKATALYSE2021, Hamburg, Germany
28.04.2015, 11:33 | talk: P47 – BioScore: Neue Methoden zur energetischen Bewertung von Protein-Protein- und Protein-Ligand-Interaktionen für bioindustrielle Anwendungen |
2015, 27. Apr - 28. Apr
Leibniz Wirkstofftage, Hamburg, Germany
Leibniz Wirkstofftage, Hamburg, Germany
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Keynote lecture: Can computers boost academic drug discovery? |
2015, 09. Apr - 11. Apr
1st CSSB International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany
1st CSSB International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany
10.04.2015, 15:05 | talk: Computational Approaches to Active Site Analysis |
10.04.2015, 17:00 | poster: Target Identification by Inverse Virtual Screening |
10.04.2015, 15:32 | poster: Searching for Interaction Patterns in ProteinLigand Interfaces |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Molecular dynamics simulations reveal a new drug resistance mechanism observed for the viral capsid protein 1 of coxsackievirus B3 |
2015, 09. Apr - 11. Apr
1st CSSB International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany
1st CSSB International Symposium, Hamburg, Germany
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Molecular dynamics simulations reveal a new drug resistance mechanism observed for the viral capsid protein 1 of coxsackievirus B3 |
2015, 09. Mar - 11. Mar
29th Molecular Modelling Workshop 2015, Erlangen, Germany
29th Molecular Modelling Workshop 2015, Erlangen, Germany
10.03.2015, 13:55 | talk: EDIA – A New Estimate of Electron Density of Individual Atoms for Validating Water Molecules |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2014, 28. Sep - 01. Oct
German Conference on Bioinformatics, Bielefeld, Germany
German Conference on Bioinformatics, Bielefeld, Germany
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2014, 21. Sep - 24. Sep
Fragment-based Lead Discovery Conference 2014, Basel, Switzerland
Fragment-based Lead Discovery Conference 2014, Basel, Switzerland
22.09.2014, 16:40 | talk: Exploring local chemical space: From fragments to molecules with a defined physicochemical profile |
weitere Teilnehmer: Florian Lauck
2014, 31. Aug - 04. Sep
EuroQSAR 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
EuroQSAR 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
01.09.2014, 14:30 | poster: Design your Chemical Universe: Mining Fragment Spaces for Novel Molecules |
weitere Teilnehmer: Florian Lauck
2014, 10. Aug - 14. Aug
248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, California, USA
248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, California, USA
10.08.2014, 16:15 | talk: Water in Proteins - A Statistical Evaluation Based on Electron Density |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2014, 23. Jun - 27. Jun
Strasbourg Summer School, Strasbourg/France
Strasbourg Summer School, Strasbourg/France
25.06.2014, 11:20 | talk: Protein Structures: Closing the Gap from PDB to Modeling Input |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey, Kai Sommer
2014, 01. Jun - 05. Jun
ICCS/GCC, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands
ICCS/GCC, Noordwijkerhout/Netherlands
02.06.2014, 15:00 | poster: MONA – Intuitive, visual navigation through molecule collections |
03.06.2014, 11:00 | talk: The Motility of Water Molecules – A Statistical Evaluation of Water Molecules Based on Electron Density |
02.06.2014, 15:00 | poster: Discriminative Chemical Patterns: Automatic and Interactive Design |
2014, 02. Apr - 31. May
Chemie für Alle, Fachbereich Chemie, Hörsaal B
Chemie für Alle, Fachbereich Chemie, Hörsaal B
30.04.2014, 17:00 | talk: Computergestütztes Modelling: Molekülkomplexe - Nicht Live, aber in Farbe |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2014, 28. Mar
CEADD2014: Modelling water in biological systems, London/UK
CEADD2014: Modelling water in biological systems, London/UK
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2014, 24. Mar - 27. Mar
International Workshop: New Approaches in Drug Design & Discovery, Rauischholzhausen
International Workshop: New Approaches in Drug Design & Discovery, Rauischholzhausen
24.03.2014, 20:00 | poster: A generic physics-based concept to estimate intermolecular interactions |
weitere Teilnehmer: Nadine Schneider
2014, 16. Mar - 20. Mar
247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, USA
247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, USA
16.03.2014, 18:30 | poster: PoseView: Visualization of protein-ligand interactions in two dimensions |
16.03.2014, 09:00 | talk: SMARTSeditor: A graphical approach to the creation of chemical patterns |
16.03.2014, 14:00 | talk: Prediction of Tautomers and Protonation States in Protein-Ligand Binding Sites |
16.03.2014, 11:05 | talk: Accessing Open PHACTS: Interactive exploration of compounds and targets from the semantic web |
18.03.2014, 15:20 | talk: Modeling with experimental data at your fingertips |
16.03.2014, 11:15 | talk: Using a water interaction model for developing protein-ligand scoring functions |
16.03.2014, 19:00 | poster: Simplifying the navigation through pharmacological data in the world-wide web |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey, Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2014, 10. Mar - 11. Mar
Frühjahrstagung der Biotechnologen 2014, Frankfurt
Frühjahrstagung der Biotechnologen 2014, Frankfurt
11.03.2014, 09:35 | talk: Von Proteinstrukturen zu bioaktiven Verbindungen: Aktuelle Themen und Herausforderungen im computergestützten Modelling |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2013, 10. Nov - 12. Nov
German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Fulda
German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Fulda
11.11.2013, 16:00 | poster: Accessing Open PHACTS: Interactive exploration of compounds and targets from the semantic web (P54) |
10.11.2013, 15:25 | talk: Facing the Challenges of Computational Target Prediction |
11.11.2013, 16:00 | poster: Elucidating Protein-Protein Interactions Using the HYDE Scoring Function |
2013, 15. Sep - 20. Sep
Vienna Summer School 2013, Wien, Österreich
Vienna Summer School 2013, Wien, Österreich
18.09.2013, 09:45 | talk: What you ever wanted to know about Cheminformatics |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Protein-Protein Interactions: Interface Hotspots and Classification |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger, Matthias Rarey
2013, 10. Sep - 13. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2013, Göttingen
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2013, Göttingen
12.09.2013, 11:00 | talk: Exploiting structural information for target assessment |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey, Andrea Volkamer
2013, 03. Sep - 05. Sep
2nd International Conference and Exhibition Drug Design 2013, Oxford, UK
2nd International Conference and Exhibition Drug Design 2013, Oxford, UK
04.09.2013, 14:45 | talk: TorLib: an expert collection of torsion angle preferences - analysis and generation of conformations relevant to the drug design process |
weitere Teilnehmer: Christin Schärfer
2013, 22. Jul - 24. Jul
Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield, UK
Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield, UK
22.07.2013, 18:30 | poster: Chemical Patterns: A Visual Approach to Interpretation and Design |
22.07.2013, 18:30 | poster: CONFECT: Generating conformations from an expert collection of torsion patterns |
22.07.2013, 18:30 | poster: Dealing with Combinatorial Chemical Space: Towards a Universal Framework |
24.07.2013, 09:30 | talk: Prediction of Tautomers and Protonation States in Protein- Ligand Binding Sites |
2013, 21. Jul - 26. Jul
Gordon Research Conference, Mount Snow, West Dover (VT), USA
Gordon Research Conference, Mount Snow, West Dover (VT), USA
23.07.2013, 11:00 | poster: Challenges in the Evaluation of Inverse Virtual Screening |
23.07.2013, 11:00 | poster: Sensitivity vs. robustness: The discrepancy in developing protein-‐ligand scoring functions |
23.07.2013, 11:00 | poster: Challenges in Automatic Structure-Based Protein Druggability and Function Prediction |
2013, 24. Jun - 05. Jul
Summer School "Programming Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures", Cadarache, Frankreich
Summer School "Programming Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures", Cadarache, Frankreich
weitere Teilnehmer: Agnes Meyder
2013, 10. Jun - 11. Jun
BIOKATALYSE2021-Clusterkonferenz, Hamburg
BIOKATALYSE2021-Clusterkonferenz, Hamburg
10.06.2013, 14:45 | talk: Bioinformatik - Alltäglich und für Jeden |
10.06.2013, 14:45 | poster: P16/P47: Supporting Biocatalysis research with structural bioinformatics |
10.06.2013, 14:45 | poster: P16/P47: Supporting Biocatalysis research with structural bioinformatics |
2013, 19. May - 25. May
9th European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italien
9th European Workshop in Drug Design, Siena, Italien
24.05.2013, 17:00 | poster: Large Scale Generation of Small Molecule 3D Coordinates from Topology |
weitere Teilnehmer: Therese Inhester, Thomas Otto
2013, 22. Apr - 23. Apr
4th Open PHACTS Community Workshop, London, GB
4th Open PHACTS Community Workshop, London, GB
22.04.2013, 12:12 | talk: ChemBioNavigator - Chemically-Aware Visualizations of Chemical & Biological Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Tim Harder
2013, 08. Apr - 11. Apr
CCG UG & Conference 2013, Amsterdam
CCG UG & Conference 2013, Amsterdam
09.04.2013, 11:15 | talk: Scoring Molecular Complexes: From Virtual Screening to Interactive Molecular Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2013, 02. Apr - 18. Jun
Was wie wofür studieren?, Hamburg
Was wie wofür studieren?, Hamburg
04.06.2013, 18:15 | talk: An der Schnittstelle: Informatik trifft Naturwissenschaften |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2013, 24. Mar - 28. Mar
MNU Bundeskongress Hamburg, Hamburg
MNU Bundeskongress Hamburg, Hamburg
27.03.2013, 12:15 | talk: Chemieinformatik in der Praxis oder "Wie googelt man eigentlich ein Molekül?" |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2013, 14. Mar - 15. Mar
Tagung des ZKI Arbeitskreis "Supercomputing", Paderborn
Tagung des ZKI Arbeitskreis "Supercomputing", Paderborn
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Force field-based minimizations in the blink of an eye |
weitere Teilnehmer: Lennart Heinzerling
2012, 16. Nov
Geburtstagskolloquium von Thomas Lengauer
Geburtstagskolloquium von Thomas Lengauer
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Cheminformatics -- Computer Science for the Chemical Bench |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: kein Thema |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2012, 11. Nov - 14. Nov
8th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
8th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: TorsionAnalyzer: Exploring conformational space |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Force-field-based minimizations of protein-ligand complexes in the blink of an eye |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Let´s talk about Rings |
2012, 25. Sep - 29. Sep
Strasbourg Summer School on Chemoinformatics 2012, Strasbourg
Strasbourg Summer School on Chemoinformatics 2012, Strasbourg
weitere Teilnehmer: Mathias Behren
2012, 10. Sep - 13. Sep
Annual meeting ProcessNet and 30. Annual meeting of Biotechnologists 2012, Karlsruhe
Annual meeting ProcessNet and 30. Annual meeting of Biotechnologists 2012, Karlsruhe
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Computergestützte Vorhersage von Enzymaktivität in verschiedenen Pufferlösungen |
weitere Teilnehmer: Karen Schomburg
2012, 26. Aug - 30. Aug
19th EuroQSAR Knowledge Enabled Ligand Design, Vienna, Austria
19th EuroQSAR Knowledge Enabled Ligand Design, Vienna, Austria
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: The Internet as scientific knowledge Base: Navigating the Chem-Bio Space |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Consistent Handling of Flexible Interaction Sites for Efficient Structure-Based Virtual Screening |
2012, 19. Aug - 21. Aug
244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Torsion Fingerprint Deviation: a novel measure to compare small molecule conformations |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Torsion Analyzer: Interactive analysis and exploration of the conformational space |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Force field-based minimizations in the blink of an eye |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Force field-based minimizations in the blink of an eye |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Structure-based virtual screening considering multiple hydrogen-bond interaction patterns |
weitere Teilnehmer: Angela Henzler, Christin Schärfer
2012, 12. May - 13. May
International Workshop, New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery, Rauischholzhausen
International Workshop, New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery, Rauischholzhausen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Consistent Estimation of Hydrogen Bond and Dehydration Energy using the HYDE Scoring Function |
weitere Teilnehmer: Nadine Schneider
2012, 25. Mar - 29. Mar
243th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA
243th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Discrimination of Permanent and Transistent Heterodimers: A Real Challenge in the Classification of Protein-Protein Interactions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: HYDE in Practice: Understanding Protein Ligand Interactions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Simplifying the design and interpretation of chemical patterns: A visual approach |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Combining automatic active site analysis and... |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Combining Global and Local Measures for Structure-Based Druggability Predictions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: How to design chemical patterns easily with an interactive editor |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Computational prediction of enzymatic activity in different buffer solutions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Being Different: Industrial Academic... |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Tools for an interactive Design of Novel Molecules |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Where Screening starts: Effective Preprocessing... |
2012, 10. Feb - 12. Feb
10th Swiss Snow Symposium, Lenk, CH
10th Swiss Snow Symposium, Lenk, CH
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Exhaustive Computer-Aided Active Site Analysis for Structure-Based Protein Function and Druggability Predictions |
weitere Teilnehmer: Andrea Volkamer
2011, 05. Dec - 06. Dec
7th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt am Main
7th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt am Main
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Computational prediction of enzyme activity in different buffer solutions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Combining Automatic Active Site Analysis and Docking for Structure-Based Protein Function Prediction |
2011, 07. Nov - 09. Nov
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2011, Weihenstephan
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2011, Weihenstephan
07.11.2011, 16:00 | talk: Discrimination of Permanent and Transient Heterodimers: The Real Challenge in the Classification of Protein-Protein Interactions |
weitere Teilnehmer: Eva Nittinger
2011, 06. Nov - 08. Nov
7th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
7th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: A Flexible-Hydrogen Interaction Model For Protein-Ligand Docking |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Systematic search for pairwise dependencies of torsion angles |
weitere Teilnehmer: Angela Henzler, Christin Schärfer
2011, 19. Sep - 22. Sep
MipTec 2011, Basel, CH
MipTec 2011, Basel, CH
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Getting the Most out of Structures:From Visual Scoring Functions to Activity Cliffs |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2011, 15. Sep - 20. Sep
Vienna Summer School 2011, Wien, Österreich
Vienna Summer School 2011, Wien, Österreich
2011, 28. Aug - 01. Sep
242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, USA
242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Mona: A Solution for handling large Data sets... |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Unique cycle families: A set of unique... |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Driving Structure-based Virtual Screening towards Interactivity |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Pragmatic Approaches to Structure-based Drug Design |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Visual Chemical Patterns: SMART(S) to Look at |
weitere Teilnehmer: Adrian Kolodzik, Matthias Rarey
2011, 14. Aug - 19. Aug
Gordon Research Conference 2011, Tilton,USA
Gordon Research Conference 2011, Tilton,USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDE: A consistent Description of HYdration and DEsolvation in Scoring of Protein-Ligand Complexes |
weitere Teilnehmer: Nadine Schneider
2011, 05. Jun - 09. Jun
9th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhoud, NL
9th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhoud, NL
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Visual Chemical Patterns: From Automated Depiction to Interactive Design |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: NAOMI- On the almost trivial task of reading molecules from different file formats |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Combining Global and Local Measures for Druggability Predictions |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: On the Exclusion of Unwanted Chemical Patterns From Large Fragment Spaces |
2011, 27. Mar - 31. Mar
241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, USA
241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: HYDEing the False Positives |
weitere Teilnehmer: Nadine Schneider
2011, 25. Mar - 26. Mar
GI-Informatiktage, Bonn
GI-Informatiktage, Bonn
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Visualization of chemical patterns using the example of SMARTS expressions |
weitere Teilnehmer: Karen Schomburg
2010, 07. Nov - 09. Nov
6th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
6th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDEing the false posi.ves – Scoring for lead op-miza-on |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDEing the false positves – Scoring for lead optimization |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Chemical Pattern Visualization in 2D –The SMARTSviewer |
2010, 19. Sep - 22. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2010, Braunschweig
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2010, Braunschweig
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: The art of drawing molecular complexes |
weitere Teilnehmer: Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2010, 19. Sep - 24. Sep
Euro QSAR 2010, Rhodos, GRE
Euro QSAR 2010, Rhodos, GRE
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Enabling Partial Shape Similarity Searching with Index-Driven Virtual Screening |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: From Activity Cliffs to Target‐Specific Scoring and Pharmacophoric Hypothesis |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Automatically Predicted Sub-pockets Pave the Way for Descriptorbased Druggability Studies |
2010, 29. Aug - 02. Sep
Biocat2010, Hamburg
Biocat2010, Hamburg
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: COMPASITES: A Tool for Automated Active-Site Based Structure-Function Analysis. |
weitere Teilnehmer: Andrea Volkamer
2010, 29. Aug - 03. Sep
Gordon Research Conference 2010, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Gordon Research Conference 2010, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Structure-based Molecular Design: Pragmatic Approaches to Docking, Scoring and the Analysis of Complexes |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2010, 21. Aug - 27. Aug
240th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
240th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: UsingActivityCliff Information in Structure-BasedDesign Approaches |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Automated prediction of tautomeric states... |
weitere Teilnehmer: Birte Seebeck, Sascha Urbaczek
2010, 12. Jul - 15. Jul
5th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield,UK
5th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield,UK
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Searching substructures in fragment spaces |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Drawing the PDB: A large-scale application study of the 2D drawing tool Pose View |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDEing the false positves – Scoring for lead optimization |
2010, 23. Jun - 25. Jun
CHI - Structure-Based Drug Design, Boston,USA
CHI - Structure-Based Drug Design, Boston,USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Introducing Protein Flexibility To Index-Driven Structure-Based Virtual Screening |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Drawing the PDB: A large-scale application study of the 2D drawing tool Pose View |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Pockets are made of Sub-pockets: Automated Detection of Ligand Binding Sites for Structure-based Function Analysis and Druggability Studies |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Dock-Score-Analyze: Novel Approaches to Structure-based Virtual Screening |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Dock-Score-Analyze: Novel Approaches to Structure-based Virtual Screening |
2010, 25. Apr - 28. Apr
23rd ICAR, San Francisco, USA
23rd ICAR, San Francisco, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Rational Drug Design – Screening and Synthesis of Potential Deoxyhypusine Synthase Inhibitors Targeting HIV-1 Replication |
weitere Teilnehmer: Adrian Kolodzik
2010, 21. Mar - 25. Mar
239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA
239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Qsearch Pharmacophore-based search in fragment... |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Future Trends: In silico Lead Disvovery |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Computational Methods for 2D Visualization of Molecular Interaction Patterns |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Conformational Sampling for Large- Scale Virtual Screening |
weitere Teilnehmer: Tobias Lippert, Matthias Rarey
2009, 17. Nov - 18. Nov
AIO Symposium , Berlin
AIO Symposium , Berlin
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Computational methods in drug development |
weitere Teilnehmer: Adrian Kolodzik
2009, 07. Nov - 09. Nov
5th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
5th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: PoseView- Molecular Interaction Patterns at a Glance |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Where are the boundaries? Automated Pocket Detection for Druggability Studies |
weitere Teilnehmer: Katrin Schöning-Stierand, Andrea Volkamer
2009, 19. Sep - 23. Sep
FBLD Conference, York,UK
FBLD Conference, York,UK
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: From Fragment Spaces to Focused Libraries |
weitere Teilnehmer: J. Robert Fischer
2009, 15. Aug - 26. Aug
238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, USA
238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: PoseView: 2D Visualization of protein-ligand complexes |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: A fresh Look at 3D Database Searching |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Fragement-bades Design: The Experimental Approach |
20.08.2009, 08:30 | talk: Operating in Chemical Spaces Novel Methods for Lead Identification and Library Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey, Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2009, 18. Jul - 24. Jul
Gordon Research Conference 2009, Tilton,USA
Gordon Research Conference 2009, Tilton,USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Poster: Conformational Sampling for Large-Scale Virtual Screening Databases: Accuracy vs. Ensemble Size |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: TrixX BMI and the Economy of Time. An Index-Driven Approach to Structure-Based Lead Identification |
weitere Teilnehmer: Axel Griewel, Jochen Schlosser
2009, 25. May
International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in science and engineering 2009, Kopenhagen,DK
International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in science and engineering 2009, Kopenhagen,DK
weitere Teilnehmer: Tim Harder
2009, 20. Mar - 27. Mar
237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA
237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: LoFT: Focuses library design... |
weitere Teilnehmer: J. Robert Fischer
2009, 16. Mar - 24. Mar
Computional Chemistry Conference, Antigua/ Barbuda
Computional Chemistry Conference, Antigua/ Barbuda
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Ligand- dependent Modulation of Nuclear Receptors - News from the Xenosensor CAR |
weitere Teilnehmer: Björn Windshügel
2009, 28. Feb
Dahlem Symposium, Berlin
Dahlem Symposium, Berlin
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: From Screening to Searching: Index-driven Approaches to Structural Lead Optimization |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2008, 09. Nov - 11. Nov
4th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
4th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Incorporating QSPR in the Enumeration of Fragment Space |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Sublinear ligand-based virtual screening using bitmap indices |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: TrixX BMI and the Economy of Time. An Index-Driven Approach to Structure-Based Lead Identification |
2008, 14. Oct - 16. Oct
MipTec 2008, Basel, CH
MipTec 2008, Basel, CH
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: From Fragments to Fragment Spaces:A Systematic View on Chemical Space |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2008, 07. Oct - 09. Oct
European Bioperspectives 2008, Hannover
European Bioperspectives 2008, Hannover
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Index Driven Structure-Based Virtual Screening |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2008, 21. Sep - 26. Sep
Euro QSAR 2008, Uppsala, SWE
Euro QSAR 2008, Uppsala, SWE
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Incorporating QSPR in the Enumeration of Focused Fragment Space Libraries |
weitere Teilnehmer: Juri Pärn
2008, 17. Aug - 21. Aug
236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA
236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: On modeling, selecting and using ‘drug-like’ chemical matter: Toward optimized fragment collections |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: From molecules to fragment spaces to focused libraries |
21.08.2008, 13:30 | talk: DeNovo Design as a tool for medicinal chemists: minimal requirements for a renewed consideration |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen, Juri Pärn
2008, 01. Jun - 05. Jun
8th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhoud, NL
8th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhoud, NL
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Index-driven structure-based virtual screening (Dokument fehlt) |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jochen Schlosser
2008, 26. Apr - 30. Apr
Darmstädter Modelling Workshop 2008, Erlangen
Darmstädter Modelling Workshop 2008, Erlangen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: ProToss A fast proton tosser for protein-ligand complexes |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: 2D Visualizing and Navigation in Fragment-Based Chemistry Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Tobias Lippert
2008, 23. Apr
Machine Learning in Structural Bioinformatics , Kopenhagen,DK
Machine Learning in Structural Bioinformatics , Kopenhagen,DK
weitere Teilnehmer: Tim Harder
2008, 12. Mar
Boston Area Group for Informatics and Modeling (BAGIM) 2008, Boston,USA
Boston Area Group for Informatics and Modeling (BAGIM) 2008, Boston,USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: To Link or not to Link, That is the Question! Computational Tools for Fragment-Based Lead Discovery and Optimization |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2007, 26. Nov - 27. Nov
4th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt am Main
4th Status Seminar Chemical Biology, Frankfurt am Main
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Modeling of Metal Interaction Geometries for Structure-based Virtual Screening |
weitere Teilnehmer: Birte Seebeck
2007, 11. Nov - 13. Nov
3rd German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
3rd German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDE : Towards an integrated scoring of hydrogen bonding and dehydration |
weitere Teilnehmer: Ingo Reulecke
2007, 26. Sep - 28. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007, Berlin
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007, Berlin
weitere Teilnehmer: Tim Harder
2007, 19. Aug - 23. Aug
234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: A fast and versatile method for scaffold hopping |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: TrixX - BMI Screening with Indexing Technology |
weitere Teilnehmer: Patrick Maaß, Jochen Schlosser
2007, 21. Jul - 25. Jul
15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Wien, AUT
15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Wien, AUT
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Introduction to Chem(o)informatics |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2007, 18. Jun - 20. Jun
4th Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield, UK
4th Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, Sheffield, UK
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: HYDE: Towards an integrated description of hydrogen bonding and desolvation |
weitere Teilnehmer: Ingo Reulecke
2007, 15. May - 16. May
Molecular Modeling Workshop 2007, Erlangen
Molecular Modeling Workshop 2007, Erlangen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: SwiFT: An index structure for reduced graph descriptors in virtual screening and clustering |
weitere Teilnehmer: J. Robert Fischer
2007, 07. May - 10. May
MipTec 2007, Basel, CH
MipTec 2007, Basel, CH
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Think Combinatorial: Fragement-based Approaches to Structure-based Design |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2007, 01. May - 04. May
CBSB Konferenz 2007, Jülich
CBSB Konferenz 2007, Jülich
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: CRoMA Computational Reconstruction of Macromolecular Assemblies |
weitere Teilnehmer: Axel Griewel
2007, 26. Mar - 29. Mar
New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery 2007, Marburg
New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery 2007, Marburg
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Modeling of a Medal Interaction Geometries for Protein- Ligand Docking |
weitere Teilnehmer: Birte Seebeck
2007, 21. Jan - 24. Jan
European Conference on Computational Biology 2006, Eilat, Israel
European Conference on Computational Biology 2006, Eilat, Israel
weitere Teilnehmer: Tim Harder
2006, 12. Nov - 14. Nov
2nd German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
2nd German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: A fast and versatile method for scaffold hopping based on small molecule crystal structure conformations |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: About Screening and Searching: Novel Computational Approaches to Structure-Based Design |
2006, 19. Sep - 22. Sep
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2006, Tübingen
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2006, Tübingen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: CRoMA Computational Reconstruction of Macromolecular Assemblies A Geometric Hashing Approach |
weitere Teilnehmer: Axel Griewel
2006, 10. Sep - 14. Sep
232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA
232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: 2 D Visualization and Constraint- Driven Enumeration of Chemical Fragment Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Juri Pärn
2006, 10. Sep - 17. Sep
EURO QSAR 2006, Civitavecchia, IT
EURO QSAR 2006, Civitavecchia, IT
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: HYDE: Towards an integrated description of desolvation, hydrophobic effect and H-bonding |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Poseview- Protein-Ligand Interactions at First Sight |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Structure-Based Molecular Indexing: Virtual Screening beyond Molecular Docking |
2006, 06. Sep - 08. Sep
MPG-Koc-Workshop, Istanbul
MPG-Koc-Workshop, Istanbul
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexNovo - Structure-Based Searching in Large Fragment Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen
2006, 08. May - 09. May
Heidelberger Innovationsforum 2006, Heidelberg
Heidelberger Innovationsforum 2006, Heidelberg
08.05.2006, 15:30 | talk: Neue Methoden für Virtuelles Screening TrixX Indextechnologien |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2006, 26. Mar - 30. Mar
231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, USA
231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexNovo -Structure-Based Searching |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen
2006, 23. Mar - 01. Apr
Keystone Symposia, Whistler, CAN
Keystone Symposia, Whistler, CAN
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexNovo - Structure-Based Searching in Large Fragment Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen
2005, 13. Nov - 15. Nov
1st German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
1st German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Automated Structure Diagram Generation of Molecular Complexes |
weitere Teilnehmer: Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2005, 05. Oct - 07. Oct
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2005, Hamburg
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2005, Hamburg
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: PoseView- Automated Structure Diagramm Generation of Molecular Complexes |
weitere Teilnehmer: Katrin Schöning-Stierand
2005, 05. Jun - 09. Jun
7th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout,NL
7th International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout,NL
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexNovo - Structure-Based Searching in Large in chemestry spaces |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: Novel Tools for Scafford Replacement |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen, Patrick Maaß
2005, 03. May - 04. May
19. Darmstädter Modelling Workshop 2005, Erlangen
19. Darmstädter Modelling Workshop 2005, Erlangen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: 2D Visualizing and Navigation in Fragment-Based Chemistry Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Juri Pärn
2005, 30. Mar
FBDD Wiesbaden 2005, Wiesbaden
FBDD Wiesbaden 2005, Wiesbaden
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Useful Tools and Algorythms for Fragement-Based Drug Discovery |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2005, 21. Mar - 24. Mar
New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery2005, Rauischholzhausen
New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery2005, Rauischholzhausen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: FlexNovo - Structure-Based Searching in Large in chemestry spaces |
01.01.1970, 01:00 | poster: 2D Visualizing and Navigation in Fragment-Based Chemistry Spaces |
weitere Teilnehmer: Jörg Degen, Juri Pärn
2005, 21. Mar - 24. Mar
FBDD Rauischholzhausen 2005, Rauischholzhausen
FBDD Rauischholzhausen 2005, Rauischholzhausen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Useful Tools and Algorythms for Fragement-Based Drug Discovery |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 03. Nov - 05. Nov
1st Birlinghoven Symposium on "Computational Approaches to Virtual and Experimental Drug Screening" 2004, Sankt Augustin, Germany
1st Birlinghoven Symposium on "Computational Approaches to Virtual and Experimental Drug Screening" 2004, Sankt Augustin, Germany
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 04. Oct - 06. Oct
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 28. Sep
PhD course "Chemoinformatics" 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
PhD course "Chemoinformatics" 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 02. Jul - 03. Jul
Nanobiomedicine International Symposium 2004, Hamburg, Germany
Nanobiomedicine International Symposium 2004, Hamburg, Germany
03.07.2004, 10:45 | talk: Moving Nanotechnology from Bench to Bedside |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 18. May - 19. May
18.Darmstädter Molecular Modelling Workshop, Erlangen
18.Darmstädter Molecular Modelling Workshop, Erlangen
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Automated Drawing of Structural Molecular Formulas Under Constraints |
weitere Teilnehmer: Patrick Maaß
2004, 21. Apr - 23. Apr
3rd Joint Sheffield Conference on Cheminformatics 2004, Sheffield, UK
3rd Joint Sheffield Conference on Cheminformatics 2004, Sheffield, UK
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2004, 28. Mar - 01. Apr
228th ACS NAtional Meeting, Anaheim,USA
228th ACS NAtional Meeting, Anaheim,USA
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexX-Scan: A fast structure-based screening tool |
weitere Teilnehmer: Ingo Schellhammer
2004, 17. Mar
PhD & MIND course 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
PhD & MIND course 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
17.03.2004, 00:00 | talk: Drug Design and Discovery |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2003, 20. Jul - 25. Jul
GRC Computer-Aided Drug Design 2003, Tilton, USA
GRC Computer-Aided Drug Design 2003, Tilton, USA
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2003, 17. May - 20. May
32nd Annual Meeting Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2003, Brazil
32nd Annual Meeting Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2003, Brazil
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2003, 21. Apr - 23. Apr
2nd Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 2003, Sheffield,UK
2nd Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics 2003, Sheffield,UK
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: Automated Generation of Structural Molecular Formulas Under User-Defined Constraints |
weitere Teilnehmer: Patrick Maaß
2003, 07. Apr
Tripos-Veranstaltung SYBYL/UNITY Line of Discovery Software Tools on HP Workstations and Servers
Tripos-Veranstaltung SYBYL/UNITY Line of Discovery Software Tools on HP Workstations and Servers
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2002, 11. Sep - 13. Sep
GPCVII Conference 2002, Southampton, UK
GPCVII Conference 2002, Southampton, UK
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2002, 08. Sep - 13. Sep
EUROQSAR 2002, Bournemouth, UK
EUROQSAR 2002, Bournemouth, UK
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey
2002, 23. May - 02. Jun
From Genes to Drugs via Crystallography 2002, Erice, IT
From Genes to Drugs via Crystallography 2002, Erice, IT
01.01.1970, 01:00 | talk: FlexX – Methods, Usage, Applications |
weitere Teilnehmer: Matthias Rarey